A Reflection on Matthew 25:14-30
The Parable of the Talents
I have made you, knit you in your mother’s womb. With delicate care, I wound together your very DNA, placed a soul within you, and watched and guided your body as it developed. As you grew, I saw all the good you would do, all the light you would bring into the world, because I made you in My image. I placed unique talents within you, character traits and Godly desires that I knew were exactly what the world would need at the exact moment you would be there. With joy I witnessed your birth; I was there. I was there as you grew. I was there in good times and in bad. And I waited. I waited for you to discover how beautiful you are, how you reflect me in a way that no one else can. You see, child, I am infinite, and each of my children bears my image as no one else does.
It is beautiful to see one of my children grow in their gifting. I watch as they step into their purpose, watch as their impact spreads like ripples in the water, as their joy grows as they learn more and more who they are in Me.
So why do you hide? Why do you bury your talents, my talents, in the ground? Don’t you see how much the world needs that part of me right now? The world is crying out desperately. You ask me why? Because you have buried your talents. You hide yourself behind a wall of self-protection. I understand. I have felt the pain of betrayal, the loneliness of isolation, the sting of hatred. It is not easy to come out from behind the wall, to dig up the talent, dust it off and invest in it, to take those first steps and test the waters. But whatever others may say about your gifts, their opinion is not what matters. The truth that I have placed them inside of you to use for your joy and my glory is what matters.
Do you value my gift so little? Do you not understand how in the eternal realm, a small act of obedience, a small thing done with great love, is a flood gate through which my grace can overflow into the world? Whether you have one or five makes no difference to me. What matters is that you use them. I don’t ask you to do this simply for myself. As you develop and use your gifts, you will find great fulfillment and joy. I know the fear is strong, and it is a battle to overcome it. But I am by your side. I will not leave you. Come, step out in faith and hope, so that I may one day say to you, “Well done, my good and faithful servant… come, share your master’s joy.”
by Katie
Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash