Our Story
“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.”
(John 10:10)
We got married in 2010 a couple of years out of college, and boy did we think we had it figured out. But we didn't. Not even a little bit. In just a few months time, mental illness would rear its ugly head, and we'd be living on one meager income while expecting our first child...
It felt like our dreams were crashing down, but it turns out it was just the beginning. Because that's how God works. His plan B is always infinitely better than our plan A, and He showed up for us in ways we never imagined.
Now, Mark's a licensed therapist in the state of Missouri, and Katie is a writer and life coach. Together, we started Arise Coaching and Counseling because we had a dream to share the new life we have experienced.
We've been through depression, anxiety, job loss, graduate school, 4 moves, miscarriages, death of a parent, and just the stress of everyday life. And honestly, we've learned that it's the stress of everyday life that gets to us the most. It knocks us down and the enemy tries to keep us there. But we believe that even though down is where Jesus meets us, down is not where He wants us to stay.
We believe in a God of Love and Mercy. A God who has reached down into the the depths of humanity, becoming human himself in order to save us. We believe that this God-Man, Jesus Christ, has sent His promised Holy Spirit to unleash His power into the world, a power of resurrection, the power to arise. We believe that He has opened the way back to the embrace of the Father for us, and that one day we will be one with Him there. But we also believe that He has given us the Way to a life lived abundantly here on earth as well, a life that is not without suffering, yet is resplendent with meaning and joy. We believe that every person is called to live this abundant life, and Arise Coaching and Counseling is our answer to that belief and calling.
Are you stuck in your plan A? Are you waiting for God's plan B to come breaking through? We believe we can help you. Check out the many resources on the website, and please feel free to contact us here.