A Rule of Life is an “intentional conscious plan to keep God at the center of everything we do.” (Scazzero) It is an important tool for growing in spiritual and emotional health. The word “rule” comes from the greek word for trellis – the rule for your life is supposed to be something that supports you and helps you grow, not something constricting or defeating. As such, it should be uniquely tailored to you. We discuss what has worked and not worked for us for a rule of life in the past, and the four main pillars of a rule of life. Pray about these pillars and how you can incorporate a rule in your life!
Pillars of a rule of life:
Prayer: Daily Office, Mass/Worship, Study, Silence…
Rest: Sabbath Rest, Play/Recreation…
Work/Activity: Ministries (unique to you!), physical exercise/taking care of the body…
Relationships: Emotional health, family, friendships…
Resources we mention:
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero
Your Blue Flame by Jennifer Fulwiler
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